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Upcoming courses

BLT 2 Perth 2025
Join us March 8th and 9th for Hand to Hand learning.
This course is the second of our set of 2 Balanced Ligamentous Tension technique courses.
( They don’t need to be done in order! )
This course includes a Focus on …
- Anterior Fascia of the Neck and Thorax
- Approaches to the Lymphatic System, Liver and Abdomino-Pelvic structures
- Including the Pelvic Floor
This course is directed by Amanda Heyes, with Julie Streckfuss and Lucy Morris.
With a 1:6 tutor: student ratio
Cost: $1050 Early Bird
$1200 Full Fee
Where: Inspiration Space
885 Beaufort St
For more information and payment options click the link below

The Fundamentals
Newcastle August 9th-11th, (inclusive) 2025
This three-day program introduces the foundation of knowledge and skills used in osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF), discovered by Dr William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900's.
During face-to-face time, we focus on maximising time spent in 'hands on' practical sessions. We have a generous tutor to student ratio of 1:4, which allows our participants to transfer their gained knowledge and skills with confidence. The program is supported with a 16 hour on-line component, some elements to completed prior to the commencement of the program.
The course director, Dr Brooke Franklin, alongside faculty with extensive knowledge and experience in OCF have a passion for sharing with others, ensuring a truly engaging learning opportunity.
Where: Atune Health
52 Ada st, Cardiff NSW
When: August 9-11 (inc) 2025
For payment options click the link below.

Online Webinar Recording from live event June 25th 2024:
Integrating Developmental Screening of 0-2yrs into practice
Join SCTFANZ Faculty members Prue Eddie and Tink Gee for a 1hr 45mins webinar recording of the live event. This webinar is appropriate for those who are interested, or new to paediatric practice, as well as those already treating the paediatric population.
Also included with purchase is a downloadable milestones summary sheet, comparing various resources of expected milestone ranges as well as a recommended book list for more background in this topic.
Presenters: Dr Prue Eddie & Dr Tink Gee
Cost; $20AUD
Your support helps us, as a not-for-profit organisation, to continue to bring you more high quality CPD on our platform :-)
Recent Courses

Paeds Prac Series #1
Tues 23rd July 2024
Kids are fun to treat and usually respond very quickly with the right approach to technique. This series is designed to increase your confidence with “hands-on” with common conditions in babies, toddlers and children.
- This is not a day of lectures and theory, it will include an introduction to each practical technique and then dive straight into the action!
- Some techniques will include treating a baby or child seated, some will include fluid drives in different parts of the body, Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, and Balanced Ligamentous Tension techniques.
- Pre-requisite of having attended The Fundamentals is required so that students already have some basic experience.
Course Directors: Dr Cate Mc Donald & Dr Tink Gee
Where: The Kensington Town Hall, Bellair St, Kensington
When: July 23 2024
Time: 9am - 4pm

The Fundamentals
20th - 22nd July (inclusive) 2024
This three-day program introduces the foundation of knowledge and skills used in osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF), discovered by Dr William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900's.
With our face-to-face focus on maximising time spent in 'hands on' practical sessions, accompanied by a generous tutor to student ratio of 1:4, allows our participants to transfer their gained knowledge and skills with confidence. The program is also supported with a 16 hour on-line component with some elements to complete prior to the commencement of the program.
The course director, Dr Brooke Franklin, alongside faculty with extensive knowledge and experience in OCF have a passion for sharing with others, ensuring a truly engaging learning opportunity.
Where: The Kensington Town Hall, Bellair St, Kensington
When: July 20-22 (inc) 2024

Programs in planning...
Introduction to OCF
for enrolled students and 1st year grads. Heard the controversy and want to hear what OCF is about? Want some hands on skill development? Want high ratio of practitioner to student? Want to hear from experienced practitioners? This is for you
Directors Prue Eddie & Chris Macfarlane
WHERE Melbourne venue TBA
WHEN December 2024
Building on the Fundamentals
Where Melbourne venue TBA
When later 2024 TBA
The Face
Where Melbourne venue TBA
When 2025
Director: Cate Macdonald.

The Fundamentals
Auckland, NZ
2nd - 4th Aug (inclusive) 2024
This three-day program introduces the foundation of knowledge and skills used in osteopathy in the cranial field (OCF), discovered by Dr William Garner Sutherland in the early 1900's.
With our face-to-face focus on maximising time spent in 'hands on' practical sessions, accompanied by a generous tutor to student ratio of 1:4, allows our participants to transfer their gained knowledge and skills with confidence. The program is also supported with a 16 hour on-line component with some elements to complete prior to the commencement of the program.
The course director, Dr Cate McDonald, is joined by Jill Headifen, alongside faculty with extensive knowledge and experience in OCF have a passion for sharing with others, ensuring a truly engaging learning opportunity.
Where: Aut Millenium, 17 Antares Pl, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
When: 2nd - 4th Aug (inc) 2024
Past Programs
Balanced Ligamentous Technique (1) BLT
Macedonian Community of WA, North Perth 2024
The BLT program introduces the treatment principles developed by Dr Sutherland providing the opportunity to apply these principles to areas of the body other than the cranium ie the pelvis, thorax, upper and lower extremities.
The Face
Kawai Purapura Retreat, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand 2023
The Face program is to be held in held in New Zealand in 2023. This two-day program is directed by Dr Jill Hedifen (osteopath) who has extensive experience as a practitioner, teaching with SCTFANZ and working with the primary respiratory mechanism. This program will help you to develop the confidence to treat the face with the techniques passed on hand-to-hand by Dr William Sutherland.
Dr Brian Freeman
Twin Towns Conference Centre on The Gold Coast 2023
Dr Brian Freeman is an anatomist and leading embryologist having spent his career studying the ontogenetic basis of human anatomy. Dr Freeman will present 4 lectures across the day with time for your questions. Morning, afternoon tea and lunch will be provided with the program.
Our approach to learning
Our courses are designed from start to finish with the goal of maximising your learning outcomes and encouraging self-reflective practice. We are passionate about progressing the palpation of every person who attends our courses. We do this by engaging tutors who have completed our tailored Assistant Tutor Program, and ensuring the ratio of the tutor to the practitioner remains very high, in almost all cases it is 1:4 or 1:6 ratio (meaning one practitioner is monitoring only 2 or 3 students at a time during practical sessions which allows very personal feedback)
This approach is evident in our high tutor to student ratios, enabling us to tailor the learning journey to your capabilities and strengths. Many of our in-person courses include times where you experience the treatment and times where you give the treatment.
From checklists and templates you can use in your practice, to detailed lecture notes - you'll come away with all the tools you need to put your learning in action.

Do your courses count as prerequisites for courses in US and the UK?
What is your tutor to student ratio?
How long do I have access to the online learning materials?
What is 'hand-to-hand' learning?
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